October 24-26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Speakers: Biography

Speaker: Donald King


Donald King

Distingished Research Professor
University of North Carolina, University of Pittsburgh
School of Information and Library Science
100 Manning Hall
Chapel Hill NC
27599-3360 USA

From 1960 to 1961, Mr. King was with C-E-I-R, Inc., where he served as a statistical consultant. In 1961, he was co-founder of Westat, Inc., where he continued to work until 1973. In 1973, Mr. King worked for Informatics and from 1974 to 1976, he was Vice President of Market Facts, Inc. From 1976 until 1991, Mr. King served as President of King Research, Inc. In 1991, the company became a sole proprietorship and in 1997, he retired to concentrate on lecturing and writing and is now at the University of Pittsburgh. His extensive career in research has included work in the areas of economic analysis and evaluation of information systems, survey research, operations research, and statistical consulting. During his 40 years in statistics and information science, he has pioneered in developing quantitative methods, measures, and models. He has authored or edited 15 books (two award-winning) and has over 300 other formal publications. In the late 1970’s he was named as one of the ten most-cited authors in the information science field.

Donald will present Physical Spaces and Virtual Visitors: The Methodologies of a Comprehensive IMLS-Sponsored Study of Users and Uses of Museums. [Paper]