October 24-26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Speakers: Biography

Speaker: Akira Baba


Akira Baba

University of Tokyo
the graduate school of Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies
7-3-1 hongou
bunkyou-ku Tokyo-to

Akira Baba is a professor of the graduate school of Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies and Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo. He graduated from Waseda university graduate school of letters. After the graduation, he became an assistant professor, associate professor, and professor of University of Tokyo. His specialties are economic history, science history, historical information studies, digital archival science and game producing studies. He is president of Digital Games Research Association Japan (DiGRA Japan).

Akira will demonstrate Constructing an Integrated Digital Archive Using Ontology and the User Community . [Demonstration]