October 24-26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Speakers: Biography

Speaker: Elvira Todaro


Elvira Todaro

PhD Student - Designer
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa
Via Rinaldo Piaggio, 34
Pontedera Pisa
56025 Italy

Elvira Todaro is PhD Student on Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa working in the field of Innovative technologies for cultural heritage at the PERCRO Laboratory, directed by prof. Massimo Bergamasco, in Pisa, Italy. Her design experience spans graphic design, typography, corporate identity development, digital video, advertising and digital media design. Her work is included in the 2007 Biennale di Cinema di Venezia (www.labiennale.org/it/cinema/) , and recently she worked as a graphic designer and Communication workshop assistant for the Communication Lab, a Communication Degree Course of the University of Pisa. Prior to this, she worked as a Videomaker and Graphic Designer at Emage (www.emage.it) multimedia lab, of Grazia Neri (www.grazianeri.com) , a well-known Photography and video company in Milan. For Emage she was videojournalist Reporter for Corriere della Sera (www.corriere.it) , assistant producer for the Filmmaster society (www.filmmaster.com) , and assistant editor of backstage television spots for Lavazza and Tim. She worked on projects including interfaces for various consumer products, video, DVD and CD-ROMs for such clients as Alessi, RAS and Cagiva. She won a first award (1999), at the competition "Il mobile in valigia" Politecnico di Milano, Go, Industrial design Magazine "Interni", with her product "Flash". She now enjoys working in Tuscany on projects of cultural design, and development the territory and small reality. She especially likes projects trying to reach targets such as social integration, economic development and urban regeneration trough arts and cultural growth, and to attend events concerning cultural information and communication. Her research interests in the PERCRO Laboratory are in the field of Innovative technology for cultural heritage, in particular, preservation, fruition and communication design for cultural heritage (Virtual Architecture, Virtual Museums, multisensory interaction in Virtual Museum Exhibitions and Digital Libraries).

Elvira will present The Hand Dance: A Didactic Performance Platform. [Paper]