October 24-26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Speakers: Biography

Speaker: Mingzhi Mao


Mingzhi Mao

Research Fellow
University of the Arts London
SCIRIA Research Unit
Camberwell College of Arts
Peckham Road
United Kingdom

Dr. Mingzhi Mao graduated with a Bachelor degree in 1985 and Masters degree in 1988 from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Changsha Railway University of Technology P.R. in China. He completed his PhD studies in 2006 at the University of Bolton in the UK. Dr. Mao was a Lecturer and Associate Professor from 1988 to 2002 at the Central South University P.R. China. He is currently an AHRC Research Fellow working on the project "Finite Elements with Laser Scanning for mechanical analysis of Sculptural Objects (FELSSO)" within the SCIRIA Research Unit at the University of the Arts London. His main research interests are in Finite Element Modelling & Analysis, Mechanical Optimisation and Triobolgy.

Mingzhi will present Creative Limits: Applying Finite Element Analysis to Assess Static Stress in a Large-Scale Stone Sculpture by Henry Moore. [Paper]