October 24-26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Speakers: Biography

Speaker: Ernestine Zolda


Ernestine Zolda

Vienna University of Technology
Institute for Computer Aided Automation
Pattern Recognition & Image Processing Group
Favoritenstrasse 9/183-2
1040 Austria

Mag. Ernestine Zolda, art historian, was involved in national interdisciplinary projects until 2005 and currently works on the finalization of her PhD. Her research interests are panel paintings and their underdrawings from the 15th century. Her role in interdisciplinary work is to improve the workflow and communication between technicians and art historians and restorers respectively, the definition of requirements and performing evaluations of the technical methods.

Ernestine will demonstrate 3D-Acquisition and Multi-Spectral Readings for Documentation of Polychrome Ceramics in the Antiquities Collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vien. [Demonstration]