October 24-26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Speakers: Biography

Speaker: Sally Wise


Sally Wise

Director of the Law Library & Professor of Law
University of Miami
School of Law
P.O. Box 248087
Coral Gables Florida
33124 USA

Sally Wise, Director of the Law Library and Professor of Law, earned a B.A. from Lake Forest College in 1972 (with honors in senior thesis), a Master of Law Librarianship from the University of Washington in 1977, and a J.D. with distinction from Seattle University (formerly the University of Puget Sound) in 1976. From 1977 to 1981, she was the assistant/associate law librarian at the University of Puget Sound School of Law. Between 1981-1985, she was the assistant librarian for public services and then the associate director of the Underwood Law Library at Southern Methodist University. Before joining the faculty in 2000, she was the director of the Schmid Law Library and professor of law at the University of Nebraska College of Law. She has been president of a chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), chair of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee of AALL, chair of the Academic Law Libraries Section of AALL and chair of the Law Libraries Section of the Association of American Law Schools. She will take office in July as a member of the Executive Board of AALL. She also has been a grant reviewer for the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Professor Wise teaches advanced legal research and has written and spoken on issues in the field of law librarianship and legal research.

Sally will introduce International Cultural Heritage Law Bibliography (ICHLB). [Briefing]