October 24-26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Speakers: Biography

Speaker: Tiffany O'Quinn


Tiffany O'Quinn

Research Associate
Georgia Tech
85 Fifth Street, NW
TSRB Room 311
Atlanta GA
30308 USA

Tiffany S. O’Quinn is a Research Associate I at the Interactive Media Technology Center (IMTC) at Georgia Institute of Technology, where she has worked as an Art Director since 1994. During her 13 + years of creative services she has lent her hand in numerous research projects, including: creating cutting-edge, educational, multimedia information systems or kiosks, websites, CD-ROMs, and interfaces. Focusing on custom interactive museum exhibit design, Tiffany has worked as an art director on many IMTC projects including: the Gates of Paradise Interactive Kiosk developed for the High Museum of Art for the Ghiberti Gates of Paradise Exhibit. This kiosk will travel with the exhibit to the Art Institute of Chicago and the Metropolitan Museum of Art; The Millennium Gate Philanthropy Gallery, a large screen interactive currently under development to teach how philanthropy has shaped the city of Atlanta; The Mating Game, an online and onsite interactive for Zoo Atlanta teaching how Species Survival Plan Coordinators choose mates for Gorillas; Down the Fairway with Bobby Jones for the Atlanta History Center, providing classic golf instruction from two of the masters along with an opportunity to tour East Lake and play a hole with Bobby Jones and (MIC) Moving Image Collections, a web portal to the world’s moving image collections to be hosted by the Library of Congress.

Tiffany will demonstrate The Gates of Paradise Interactive Kiosk. [Demonstration]