ICHIM 97 Speakers

1-5 September, 1997
Le Musée du Louvre
Paris, France

Copyright Agreement

All Authors must submit the following signed agreement with their paper.

Recognizing that Archives & Museum Informatics has agreed to publish my/our article:



on my behalf, in the Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums (hereafter referred to as Proceedings) , I/we

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(Author's Name[s])

hereby grant and assign the entire Copyright of this article to Archives & Museum Informatics for its exclusive use. The copyright consists of any and all rights of whatever kind and nature now or hereafter protected by the copyright laws of the United States and of all foreign countries, in all languages and all forms of communication (including but not limited to print and electronic means), and Archives & Museum Informatics shall be the sole proprietor thereof. Archives & Museum Informatics in turn grants to you, the author(s), the right to reprint the article in any book of which you are the author or editor, subject to giving proper credit in that book to the original publication of the article in the Proceedings.


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I/we understand that in full compensation for publication in the Proceedings I/we will each receive half-price registration to the Fourth International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums to be held in Paris, September 3-5, 1997, and will each receive one copy of the Proceedings after one author presents an oral talk based on this paper at the ICHIM conference in Paris, September 3-5, 1997.

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Last Updated: May 15, 1997.