More About ICHIM 97

Mailing List

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Organising Committee

The ICHIM 97 Program was established in consultation with a group of international experts on museums and multimedia.

Affiliated Events

PreConference Events include EVA Paris and a Table Ronde hosted by the Direction des Musées de France.


Opportunites are available to sponsor events at ICHIM 97.

The Venue: Le Musée du Louvre, Paris

The conference will take place at le Musée du Louvre. Main sessions will be held in l'Auditorium du Louvre (beneath the Pyramid) and the Amphithéâtre de l'École du Louvre (Caroussel entrance). Exhibitions and Demonstrations will be in spaces nearby.

Language and Translation

Papers will be presented in English or French, with simultaneous translation.

The Proceedings

Published proceedings containing abstracts in both languages and papers in the language of the author will be given to all full conference registrants. Individual copies are available at a special pre-publication discount, if ordered by August 15, 1997.


As le Louvre is easily accessible by Metro from anywhere in Paris, attendees will be free to select their own hotels. Contact Forum Travel at for further information.

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To request further information or send comments, contact info 'at'
Last Updated: June 18, 1997.