Wednesday, September 3
14:30 pm - 18:00 pm
Amphithéâtre de l'École du Louvre

Three-Dimensional Interactives

From visualizations to walk-through experiences, the world of 3-D is now becoming deliverable in inter-active designs.

Alfredo Ronchi, Politechnico de Milano, Italy

Introduction to Digital Reconstructions of Cultural Heritage

Fabrizio Funtò, INFOBYTE S.p.A., Italy

Cultural Heritage, Digital Reconstruction and Virtual Reality

Maurizio Forte, Associazione Internazionale Archeologia Computazionale, Italy

Virtual Reconstruction of Archaeological Sites

Maurice Benayoun, Université de Paris I, France

L'oeuvre est au fond de l'image, à gauche

Alessandro Meccoci, University of Siena, and
Flavio Tariffi, Attività Culturali a Tecnologie Avanzate S.p.A., Italy

Building a Multimedia Information System from Scratch for the Museum of the Mum in Bozen: a novel experience in multimedia technology for museums

James Johnson, The Natural History Museum, UK

The Virtual Endeavor Experiment: A Networked VR Application