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Building a Project Plan: A Hands-On Workshop

Holly Witchey , San Diego Museum of Art, USA

Session: Building a Project Plan

The workshop "Building A Project Plan" is intended to provide attendees

with a better methodology for project planning than is used in most institutions.

The methodology devised can be used for any type of project planning (developing

a more efficient department, building a better website, producing an internship

policy). The workshop is not dedicated to the planning of technology projects

but rather is devoted to introducing attendees to standard business preactices

which can help them to create more useful, workable plans with a better

overall chance of eventual success - both personal and professional.

This is a hands-on workshop - you will have your hands on a pencil

and paper and spend most of the sessions writing, re-writing, and discussing

your project with your peers. Come prepared to have your own project constructively


The actual workshop planning packet you will be working with is not available

prior to the workshop so that attendees will not be tempted to try to

anticipate outcomes.

Level of Technical Knowledge of Intended Audience is Beginning.

Everyone has a great idea that is languishing on the back burner for

want of time to explore the inherent possibilities of developing and implementing

a plan.

This half-day workshop will provide participants with a formal structure

for developing a project plan. During the workshop, each participant will

draft for him/herself a written plan that can be taken back to an institution

for serious consideration. Participants will then share ideas and get

feedback from others embarked on similar projects. Participants will learn

to use relevant contemporary time management and organizational behavior

techniques to more efficiently and successfully begin to implement their

ideas. Topics to be covered in workshop include goal-setting, potential

funding sources, getting co-workers on board with a project, drafting

lists (equipment, staffing), project lifespan, and project offshoot benefits.

The goal of the workshop is for each participant to leave with a complete

rough plan for a desired project and the skills to create effective

plans for future projects.


I. Introduction

II. The Great Idea

III. Developing a Plan: Ten Important Questions

IV. Who Benefits? And How?

V. Revise and Edit: Break Out into Groups

VI. Presentation

VII. Final Revision


Project Plan Outline

  1. Title Page
  2. Goal(s) Statement
  3. Executive Summary of Project & Goals

    1. Description of Implementation
    2. Description of Evaluation
    3. Description of Legacy

  4. Fundamental Resources

    1. Project Timeline
    2. Project Team
    3. Annotated Budget

  5. Full Description of Project

    1. Phase 1 - Project planning
    2. Phase 2 - Implementation of Project
    3. Phase 3 - Evaluation of Project

  6. Development / Funding Plan
  7. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

If you have any specific questions, contact Holly Witchey at hwitchey@class.org