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Flavia Sparacino

Research Assistant
Media Lab
20 Ames St. E-15-384a
Cambridge MA
02139 USA
Email: flavia@media.mit.edu

Flavia Sparacino is a Ph.D. candidate at the MIT Media Lab. She is designing perceptual intelligence for interactive media, with applications to augmented performance, information architecture, and museum displays. Perceptual Intelligence emerges from the integration of multiple sensor modalities and determines the expressive abilities of digital text, photographs, movie clips, music, and audio. Among her projects are: City of News, a 3D Web browser which dynamically builds an information city; Wearable City, a mobile version of the browser hosted in a wearable computer; Digital Circus, an immersive interactive circus which responds to full-body and hand gestures; DanceSpace, a stage in which the dancer's movements generate the accompanying music in real time; and Improvisational Theatre Space, a stage in which a human actor augments her performace with expressive text in coordination with her gestures and speech. Her work was featured at Arts Electronica '97 and '98, ISEA '97 SIGGRAPH '96 and '99, ICMCS '99, as well as many other international venues. Sparacino holds undergraduate degrees in electrical engineering and robotics, and masters' in cognitive sciences and media arts and sciences. She received a large number of scholarships and awards for her academic work and career. She spent some time in Film School, Theatre School, a small town circus, and has done travel photography in many countries around the world.

Flavia presented Technologies and Methods for Interactive Exhibit Design: from wireless object and body tracking to wearable computers
Flavia presented information on Unbuilt Ruins