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Valentina G. Uzunova

The Russian Academy of Sciences
Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography
University embt., 3
Kollontay st., 24/2 #62
St. Petersburg
Email: info@kunstkamera.lanck.ru

Dr. Valentina G. Uzunova graduated from the Philosophy Dept. of the Leningrad State University in 1978, and received her Ph.D. in 1971. Her professional fields of interest are ethnic sociology, social and psychological aspects of human behavior. Since 1987, she has been a Senior Research Associate at Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (MAE RAS). From 1975-1987 she was with the Institute of Oncology of the Academy of Medical Science of the USSR, Psychology Rehabilitation Service. She is a member of the editorial board of an antifascist magazine called "Exchallenge" and an expert of Article 74 of Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (national animosity and dissension). She has led a number of applied sociological investigations including studies on the rehabilitation of oncology patients, studying of stress impact, zones of national conflicts, and museum sociology. Since 1996, she has supervised the Museum Sociology Program, an applied sociological survey of the MAE visitors. When the web site of the Kunstkammer was created in late 1977, she began collaborating with museum researchers and web managers Dr. Olga M. Bronnikova and Dr. Tatyana G. Bogomazova, to carry out the program of qualitative deep survey of visitor's needs both in real and virtual museums. She has co-authored nearly ten articles with Dr. Tatyana G. Bogomazova revealing the nature of cognitive perception in virtual environment. She is greatly interested in visitor behavior on the web, factors that facilitate visitor learning and satisfaction, and the design and evaluation of interactive devices.

Valentina G. presented Information Inquiries Of A Museum Visitor And Museum Information Space: In Search Of Adequacy