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Publication Deadlines and Format

All papers must be available for publication: in a hard copy Proceedings volume, on the conference web site, and on CD ROM.

Selected papers from Museums and the Web will be published in a hardcopy Proceedings volume. To be considered for that publication, papers must be received by Feburary 15, 2000. Your paper must be accompanied by the signed Copyright Release Form (PDF).

All speakers must submit a paper for distribution via the conference web site by February 15, 2000. If you have not submitted a paper by this date, you could lose your place on the program. Please return the signed Copyright Release form (PDF) when you submit your paper.

Audio/Visual Equipment Request

All speakers and demonstrators must return the MW2000 Audio/Visual Request form (PDF) by Febrary 15, 2000. Failure to do so may mean we cannot accommodate your presentation.

Paper Content

All papers should begin with the Author's name, title and abstract (approximately 100 to 250 words) and include a one paragraph author'(s) vita of no more than 500 words and contact details. Include this regardless of whether Archives & Museum Informatics have this data on file already.

Recommended length of a paper is 5,000 words (longer may be considered). If in doubt about length, consult the Co-chairs of MW2000, by email to

Papers should follow the accepted abstract, although additional material can be added. Please contact MW2000 Co-chairs if your paper is not turning out to be on the topic that was accepted. (It may have to be re-slotted or withdrawn).


It is the responsibility of the author to obtain written permission for any quotations from unpublished material, or for all quotations in excess of 250 words in one extract or 500 words in total from any work still in copyright. You must also have permission to publish all illustrations, tables or poems from unpublished or copyrighted material.

Overall guidelines for preparing the paper are taken from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. More detailed citations dealing with specific questions can be found in the Manual.

Citations within the text should be made according to the Manual's method. Citation of an author's work in the text should follow the author-date method; the surname of the author(s) and the year of publication should appear in text. Do NOT use footnotes.

For example:

McKenzie (1997) found that...

Recent research has shown that...(Jones, 1998)

In other work (Miller & Link, 1994; Bearman, 1995)

Examples of citations which are then listed at the end of the paper include:

Jones, C. L. (1998). Museum communication and bibliometrics. London: Oxford.

Chapter in a Book:
Miller, L. & Link, H. (1994). New ways to publicize museums. In P. Phillips (Ed.) Museology and you (pp. 222-234). New York: Bantam.

Journal Article:
Bearman, D. (1995). Standards for networked cultural heritage., Archives and Museum Informatics, Cultural Heritage Informatics Quarterly 9, 279-307.

McKenzie, J. (1997). Building a virtual community. In D. Bearman & J. Trant (Eds.) Museums and the Web, Selected papers from Museums and the Web97 (pp. 77-86). Pittsburgh: Archives & Museum Informatics.

Electronic Materials with No Printed Analogue:
Kren, E. (1998) and Marx., D. A virtual fine arts museum on the web. In D. Bearman & J. Tran (Eds.) Museums and the Web98 Proceedings. CD ROM. Archives & Museum Informatics, 1998.

To cite a Website in text (but not a specific document), it is sufficient to give the address (e.g., parenthetically.

All references to websites begin with the same information that would be provided for a printed source (or as much of that information as possible, e.g. author, editor, title, publication date, version number, update date). Because documents on the web may change in content, move, or be removed from a site altogether, follow the date of publication (and last update) with the date a site was consulted.

Robbins, L.P. (1995) Sources of information on antiquities theft. 1995, 1996, last updated Friday, 04-Dec-1998 17:39:49 EST. consulted December 16, 1998.

Technical Formats

Papers should be laid out for US Letter paper, with 1" margins. Please double-space all materials. Quoted passages of more than 40 words should be set off from the text by indenting the left-hand margin, as a block quotation.

Papers should be submitted in Microsoft Word or .RTF format. Name the file with the last name of the first author and the appropriate extension (.doc or .rtf). For example, a document for a paper presented by Jennifer Trant would be named: trant.rtf. If more than one paper was presented add the number 1 or 2. Please DO NOT call your paper " Museums and the Web" or "MW2000". This guarantees it will get confused with other paper.

Illustrations should be submitted as separate files in .GIF, .TIF, or .JPG format. Name illustrations with last name of author, figure number and extension. For example, trant.fig1.jpg. Images must not be more than 400 pixels in width. If larger images are necessary, create thumbnails of this maximum size and link them to the larger image that can be displayed outside the visual context of the paper. Illustrations may have to be resubmitted (at a higher quality) for papers accepted for the print volume.

Mark the place where illustrations should appear with a figure name and a full caption (including the URL for screen shots).


Author's own HTML Markup

Authors who wish to do their own HTML markup for the conference web site must follow the design template and coding guidelines provided by the webmaster. The template file must be downloaded via ftp. Use the ftp instructions for paper submissions below and retrieve the file "paper_template.html" from the "mw2000/guidelines" folder. Also retrieve the file "guidelines.txt" from this same directory, which contains instructions for coding external links and internal references/notes, etc.

If you have any questions about coding your paper, email for more information.

Submission Guidelines

Papers should be submitted via ftp.

  • ftp to
  • login as
    • user: mw2000
    • password: minneapolis
  • make a directory with your last name/the last name of the first author
  • put your files in this directory
Email to advise us of the submission of your paper. Include the title, author's name(s) and a list of all files and the folder name you created for the files that you transferred in this email. Archives & Museum Informatics will email a confirmation of receipt. Don't forget this last step, or we may not know your paper has arrived.


Email the Conference Co-chairs, David Bearman and Jennifer Trant, at