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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:
November 7, 2010

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0  License

Targeting Museum Visitors with E-mail Marketing
Matt Crenshaw, Chicago Historical Society, USA
Cheryl Obermeyer, Chicago Historical Society, USA

Mini-Workshop: Gain a Skill - 1

The Chicago Historical Society is a major museum and research center specializing in the diverse and evolving story of Chicago, a city that reflects urban areas across the country, as well as significant times in American history. People of all ages are able to experience the rich past, and gain new perspectives on the present through our wide variety of exhibitions and programs. In an effort to meet the on-going challenge to raise awareness of these offerings, management started a new initiative to investigate the potential of integrating an emarketing program with our traditional marketing efforts. The mandate was simply to find new and innovative ways to present and promote the museum. This paper reflects our efforts as a case study for examining how other museums can initiate or invigorate their emarketing efforts.