Museums and the Web 2005
Paper HTML Markup Guidelines
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Museums and the Web 2005</a><br />
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Paper HTML Markup Guidelines
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Photo Credits

Please follow thes guidelines if you would like to submit your own mark-up for the MW2005 Web site and CD-ROM.


  • Follow the style guidelines for format, references & citations.
  • Your paper will be placed within a standardized template. All content you submit must fit within a text area which is 450 pixels wide.
  • All images and HTML pages should have appropriate filetype extensions (for example, HTML pages get .html, GIFs get .gif, JPEGs get .jpg or .jpeg)
  • All pages submitted should use this template, including associated multimedia pages.
  • All pages should be named with the first author's last name and filetype extension, for example trant.html. A paper authored by Bearman and Trant would be bearman.html.
  • All HTML should be 4.0 Browser Compliant (n.b. files exported from Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Publisher are not 4.0 browser compliant).
  • All links to external sites must open in a new browser window.
    For example a link to the AAM would look like this
     <a href="" target="_blank">
  • All links should be relative. Do not include a full directory path. Assume that supplementary files will be in the same directory as the main text. For example, a link to a multimedia page might look as follows:
    <a href="fig1.html" name="#fig1">Figure 1</a>
  • Put your paper in one HTML Document to facilitate printing.


  • Please do not use font tags. Instead, a series of Cascading Stylesheet Text Styles have been provided for your convenience. These styles include: Heading, subHeading, subHeading2, normal (for all text), red (for accented information), and small (for notes and captions). The style sheet is referenced in the HTML template.
  • An example coded in CSS tags:
    <p> Please <span class="red">do not</span> use font 
    tags. Instead, a series of Cascading Stylesheet Text Styles have
    been provided for your convenience. </p>


  • Images and other media associated with your paper should be included with your paper submission. Image and media links should not go off-site.
  • All images should be in GIF, JPEG, or PNG format.
  • All images should follow the naming convention: last name of author, figure number and extension, for example, trant.fig1.gif.
  • All images should have ALT tags describing their contents.
    For example, the MW2003 logo might look like this:
    <img src="logo.gif" alt="Museums and the Web 2005 Logo">
  • If you wish to include high resolution images (images that are large in filesize, or larger than 450 pixels wide) please include two versions of each image, a thumbnail, and the image at high resolution. Include the thumbnail in your paper and link it to the larger image (see guidelines below).
  • Make all screen captures in the highest resolution and on the largest monitor you have available, then sample them for the Web version of your paper.
  • Diagrams or line art created in vector form should be converted to bitmap for the Web.
  • KEEP ALL YOUR ORIGINAL SOURCE FILES FOR IMAGES AND DIAGRAMS. If your paper is selected for inclusion in the print Proceedings we will need a higher resolution version of your images.


  • DHTML, java, and javascript should be used sparingly.
  • Embedded media such as Flash, Shockwave, Real Media, or QuickTime should also be used only if absolutely required. Multimedia should be placed on a separate page from the paper itself, with a link back to an anchor in your page. (see guidelines below)

Associated Pages containing Images or Multimedia

  • Large images or multimedia files should be placed on separate pages, with a link back to an anchor in your page (for example: ) HTML pages, should follow the naming convention: last name of author, figure number and extension. For example, trant.fig1.html. The associated image would be trant.fig1.gif.
  • All pages should use the page template.