March 22-25, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Sessions: Abstract

Visitors' Voices

Lily Diaz-Kommonen, University of Art and Design Helsinki, Finland
Mariana Salgado, University of Art and Design Helsinki, Finland

This paper presents different interactive installations with the common denominator of giving voice to visitors of museums. It describes the case study of Keskustelukartta (Conversational map) in the context of the museum of Taidehalli. Keskustelukartta is an interactive installation that was deployed in the Young Artists' Biennale: Small Heaven in November 2005. The installation uses ImaNote (Image Map Annotation Notebook), a Web-based multi-user tool under development in the Media Lab. Keskustelukartta makes it possible for visitors, artists and museum staff to participate actively by leaving comments and links to multimedia resources in a common interactive board. Visitors who have already visited the exhibition can access the Web site remotely and add remarks. There is a whole new field to discover, involving visitors and artists in making the content of the museum visit. Multiple voices for the multiple artefacts in the exhibition enrich the experience.

Session: Participation + Personalization [Technology]

Keywords: museum, participation, content, interactivity, design, installation, user- contributed content