Mariana Salgado
March 22-25, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Speakers: Biography

Mariana Salgado

Research Assistant/ Doctoral Student
University of Art and Design Helsinki
Media Lab
135C Hameentie
Helsinki Uusimaa
00560 Finland

M.A Mariana Salgado (Research Assistant)

Mariana Salgado is a doctoral student at the Media Lab, University of Art and Design Helsinki. She has a Master Degree on Product and Strategic Design from the same university. Her current interests are in user-centred methodologies in the context of public spaces of cultural organizations. She is familiar with media technologies designed for these spaces. At the moment she is designing usability studies. She has been working in Media Lab for 3 years, participating in the following projects: 4G Design, Digital Facsimile of the Map of Mexico 1550, Äänijälki, and ImaNote.

Mariana will present Visitors' Voices. [Paper]