Phil Getchell
March 22-25, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Speakers: Biography

Phil Getchell

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Avenue of the Arts
465 Huntington Avenue
Boston MA
02115-5523 USA

Phil manages the growth and development of the MFA's internal and external Web sites, and projects related to New Media.

Recently he managed the complete redesign and relaunch of the MFA Web site ( including the publication of more than 316,000 collections objects online. Other projects include MFA bulk email campaigns, e-commerce initiatives, and interactive Kiosks and Web sites related to MFA special exhibitions and permanent collection.

Phil came into his Web career from the technical realm. Working for Computer Sciences Corporation, he led a world-class technical support team, in addition to building and managing a 24-hour international help-desk. Side projects focus on building cheap, self-sustainable Web sites for local businesses for friends (,,, Originally from Portland, Maine, Phil holds a B.A. in History and Philosophy from Boston University, and a M.Ed. from UMass, Boston. He now resides in the suburbs of Boston, playing foosball, and tinkering with his cars.

Phil will present Beyond the On-line Catalogue: Using the Web to Leverage Your Collection More Effectively. [Paper]
Phil will demonstrate Museum of Fine Arts, Boston: Recent Projects. [Demonstration]