April 11-14, 2007
San Francisco, California

Demonstrations: Description

Harvard Masters Series: Access all areas   go to paper

Wendy Constantine, Harvard University, USA
Jim Devine, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Jason Springer, Harvard University, USA
Kurt Stuchell, Museum Pods, USA
Katherine Burton_Jones, Harvard Divinity School, USA

This demonstration session showcases current research in the field of museums studies undertaken by students for the Masters of Liberal Arts in Museum Studies course at Harvard Extension School in the current academic session. The showcased projects have been selected for their relevance to the Museums and the Web constituency.

Wendy Constantine has been pursuing research on "Museums and the Digital Curb Cut: Leveraging Universal Design Principles and Multimedia Technology to Deliver Accessible, Rich-Media Learning Experiences Online". Wendy will also demonstrate examples of best-practice in accessible museum content for mobile devices, developed during her internship with the Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow.

Jason Springer has been following a research strand on "The Connected Classroom: A Study of Art Museum Resources Designed for the School Audience: A Comprehensive Study of Electronic Resources Designed for Partnerships Between Schools and Art Museums of the Boston Area".

Kurt Stuchell will present his research on "The Museum Podcasting Feasibility Analysis", and will illustrate how implementation scenarios for museums considering podcasting projects range from programs which rely on a single aspect of the technology to broad-based programs which fully leverage the podcasting platform in an integrated manner.

Kathy Jones is Research Advisor for the Masters of Liberal Arts in Museum Studies at Harvard University Extension School, and is Research Advisor for the projects being showcased at MW2007.

Jim Devine is Head of Multimedia at the Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow, and is Thesis Director for the projects being presented at MW2007.

Demonstration: Demonstrations - 2 [Close-Up]

Keywords: Harvard, Hunterian, museums, accessibility, partnerships, podcasts