Speaker: Martin Bazley
April 11-14, 2007
San Francisco, California

Speakers: Biography

Martin Bazley

eLearning Consultant
15 Margin Drive
SW19 5HA United Kingdom

Martin Bazley has more than 10 years experience of developing, evaluating and project managing online learning resources and other digital technology and works with a range of cultural institutions and web developers. In his role as eLearning Officer for SEMLAC (South East Museum, Library and Archive Council) Martin undertook a number of projects, including the Victorian Learning Journey (www.victorianlearningjourney.org) - an innovative project for schools, involving live 'meet the historical character' face-to-face sessions, videoconferencing, interactive talkboards and short video clips. Martin also spent 7 years as Internet Projects Manager in the Learning Unit at the Science Museum, London, where he coordinated the award-winning STEM (Students' and Teachers' Educational Materials) project, prior to which he taught for 8 years in a range of schools. He presents regularly at conferences and training days, and chairs the E-Learning Group for Museums, Libraries and Archives (www.elearninggroup.org.uk)

Martin will present Bringing User Testing into the Classroom: The Moving Here in-class evaluation programme. [Paper]