Speaker: Tim Svenonius
April 11-14, 2007
San Francisco, California

Speakers: Biography

Tim Svenonius

Producer, Interactive Educational Technologies
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Education Department
151 Third Street
San Francisco CA
94103 USA

Tim Svenonius is the Producer for Interactive Educational Technologies at SFMOMA. Tim has worked as a graphic designer, an illustrator and a web developer, and since 1999 has played a vital role in the Museum's multimedia programs, braiding together his experience in art history, design and technical development. He holds a B.A. in Art and Theory from the University of Maryland.

Tim will teach Power to the Pod People: Design your own Podcast. [Workshop]
Tim will teach Vodcasting: 5 easy steps to film an interview and get it online in a day! - FULL. [Workshop]