Speaker: Davide Bolchini
April 11-14, 2007
San Francisco, California

Speakers: Biography

Davide Bolchini

University of Lugano
TEC-lab, Faculty of Communication Sciences
via Giuseppe Buffi 13
Lugano Ticino
6900 Switzerland

Davide Bolchini received his PhD degree in Communication Sciences from the University of Lugano in 2003. He was visiting scholar at the University of Toronto (Computer Science dept.) and at the NC State University of North Carolina (Computer Science dept.). He is researcher at TEC-Lab (Technology Enhanced Communication Laboratory) of the University of Lugano (USI), and teaching assistant for "Teoria e Pratica dei Nuovi Media" at the Faculty of Communication Sciences at USI, where he is also lecturer for the course "Usability Lab" at the Master of Technology-Enhanced Communication for Cultural-Heritage (TEC-CH). He is lecturer at the Politecnico di Milano of the master courses "Usability of Interactive Applications", "Web Design Project", and "Usability Project" for the faculty of Informatics Engineering. His research mainly focuses on user requirements analysis, usability evaluation, conceptual design and design patterns for interactive applications, paying particular attention to the web, hypermedia and multi-channel aspects of communication design. He collaborated to various European research projects in the field of usability, design, and user requirements.

Davide will present Instant Multimedia: Results from the Mini-Workshop. [Mini-Workshop]
Davide will present Instant Multimedia: A new challenge for cultural heritage. [Mini-Workshop]