Speaker: Dominique Negel
April 11-14, 2007
San Francisco, California

Speakers: Biography

Dominique Negel

18, avenue du Bel Air
75003 France

Dominique Negel is a designer and planner of exhibitions and has served as production director for a wide range of museum and other cultural events. She holds a degree in the History of Art and Archaeology from the University of Paris X, and has taught creative museography and new presentation technologies at INSEEC (Paris), L'École Supérieure de Management Culturel (Paris) and the University of Paris VIII. Her recent work in new and audiovisual technologies has involved her as co-author of documentary film scripts, director of production for multimedia projects and director of some audiovisual collections.

Dominique will demonstrate The FRAME website: A foundation for French/American museum collaboration, cultural diplomacy, and regional tourism. [Demonstration]