Speaker: José-Marie Griffiths
April 11-14, 2007
San Francisco, California

Speakers: Biography

José-Marie Griffiths

University of North Carolina
School of Information and Library Science
100 Manning Hall
Chapel Hill NC
27599-3360 USA

Dr. José-Marie Griffiths is the Dean of the School of Library and Information Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the #1 information and library school in the country. Dr. Griffiths has a research and leadership career that spans over 30 years. She was appointed to the U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science by President Clinton, and to the President's Information Technology Advisory Committee by President Bush, a post she presently fills. Dr. Griffiths has testified before Congress and served on several blue-ribbon panels and committees (for the National Academy of Sciences, NASA, Department of Energy, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Navy, etc).

Dr. Griffiths' research spans information and library science, technology and leadership. She has done groundbreaking work in return on investment analysis of information systems and libraries, including multiple approaches to cost/benefit assessment; the influences of the digital revolution on the conduct of research, especially focused on similarities and differences among researchers in different countries, sectors and disciplines, and the implications for providing resources and support to research efforts; success criteria and best practices for information technology in higher education; and the development of protocols and policies for resource sharing across organizations on local, state and regional levels, including both public and private institutions.

At the University of Michigan (1996-2001) Griffiths was University CIO, with strategic and operational responsibility for the University's information technology activities totaling over $200 million in annual expenditures, Executive Director of the Information Technology Division, Founding Director of the Collaboratory for Advanced Research and Academic Technologies (CARAT) and Professor in the School of Information. She was instrumental in the development of the Ann Arbor IT Zone, a community organization to encourage the recruitment and retention of hi-tech companies and talent to the southeastern Michigan region, and was Founding Chair of its Board.

Griffiths was previously the Doreen E. Boyce Chair and Professor in the School of Information, Director of the Sara Fine Institute for Interpersonal Behavior and Technology and Associate of the Learning Research and Development Center at the University of Pittsburgh (2001-2004). She served in several capacities at the University of Tennessee (1989-1996) including Professor and Oak Ridge National Laboratories Collaborating Scientist, Director of the School of Information Sciences and Acting Vice Chancellor for Information Infrastructure.

Dr. Griffiths' accomplishments have been recognized by several prestigious appointments and awards. She was elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, was named one of the Top 20 Women of the Web, and received the American Society for Information Science and Technology's Award of Merit and Research Award, to name a few. She has a B.Sc. in Physics and Ph.D. in Information Science from University College London.

José-Marie will present The Use, Usefulness, and Value of Museums in the U.S.. [Paper]