Speaker: Minda Borun
April 11-14, 2007
San Francisco, California

Speakers: Biography

Minda Borun

Director of Research and Evaluation
The Franklin Institute Science Museum
222 N. 20th Street
Philadelpha PA
19103 USA

Minda Borun, is the Director of Research and Evaluation at The Franklin Institute Science Museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She has published numerous articles and four monographs on studies of visitor learning in the museum setting. In addition, Borun is a consultant on exhibit and program evaluation to museums and other cultural organizations, with a long and varied list of clients. She has served three terms as chair of the Committee on Audience Research and Evaluation of the American Association of Museums and was a founding member and served ten years on board of the Visitor Studies Association. Recently, Ms. Borun was lead developer for Kid Science, an NSF-funded exhibit and research project to develop a learning facility for families with children ages 5-8. Borun received her undergraduate and graduate training in Anthropology at Columbia University in New York City and has done field work among Native North Americans of the Ojibwa tribe and in a village in Mysore state, in South India.

Minda will present One Size Does Not Fit All: Learning Style, Play, and Online Interactives. [Paper]