Speaker: Anna Engquist
April 11-14, 2007
San Francisco, California

Speakers: Biography

Anna Engquist

The Museum of National Antiquities
Media and communication
Box 5428
Narvavägen 13-17
Stockholm SE
SE-114 84 Sweden

Anna Engquist has been web producer at The Museum of National Antiquities since 2003. She has over ten years experience of teaching and managing vocational training - interested in web technology and its use in museums and education.

Following a background in art and education, she began teaching graphical design and web design for adult education in Stockholm in 1996. She went on to produce a number of different courses including e-learning and a children’s book as a content producer. She joined The Museum of National Antiquities in 2003, initially as web editor for "Svenska museifönstret" (Swedish Educational Museum Web portal). In this role she was involved in enlarging Swedish museums’ emerging Internet capabilities. She also was a member of NODEM (Nordic Digital Excellence in Museums) Award Jury in 2004.

She was project manager for the redesign of the web site of The Museum of National Antiquities in 2006. In this role she led the project team and was responsible for the redesign project which she presents at MW2007.

Anna will present Transcending the Boundaries of the Museum! Managing Organisational Change in the Museum and on the Web. [Paper]