Speaker: Donald King
April 11-14, 2007
San Francisco, California

Speakers: Biography

Donald King

Visiting Scholar, UNC, Research Professor, U. of Pittsburgh
University of North Carolina, University of Pittsburgh
School of Information and Library Science
100 Manning Hall
Chapel Hill NC
27599-3360 USA

Donald King, a statistician, has devoted 45 years to describing and evaluating communication and information systems and services. Over the past 20 years his research has emphasized communication patterns of scientists, engineers, and medical professionals, as well as economic aspects of electronic journal publishing. In particular, he developed economic cost models of journal publishing and of academic print and electronic journal collections, both of which resulted in publications that have been frequently cited. He is currently engaged on four large studies: National Study of User and Potential Users of Online Information (6,000 household telephone interviews); A National Research Study on the Future of Librarians in the Workforce (survey of all public and academic libraries and 6,000 school and special libraries and other data sources); Maximizing Library Investment in Digital Collections Through Better Data Gathering and Analysis (surveys of six university faculty and students, and analysis of deep transaction log data and server data); and Taxpayer Return-on-Investment in Public Libraries (1,000 household telephone interviews, 2,600 in-library surveys, and the REMI economic input-output model).

He has published extensively by authoring or editing 16 books (3 award-winning); over 150 articles, reviews, chapters in books, etc.; and over 200 formal technical reports. At one time it was reported that he was one of the ten most cited authors in the field of information science. He has presented invited papers throughout the world, particularly dealing with communication patterns and economics of electronic publishing and libraries.

In recognition of his research contributions he was named Pioneer of Science Information, Chemical Heritage Foundation; Fellow, American Statistical Association; Award of Merit and Annual Research Award, American Society for Information Science and Technology; Honorary Fellow and Miles Conrad Award and Annual Lecturer, National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services; among many other awards and honors.

Donald will present The Use, Usefulness, and Value of Museums in the U.S.. [Paper]