Speaker: Dale MacDonald
April 11-14, 2007
San Francisco, California

Speakers: Biography

Dale MacDonald

Co-Chief Onomist
Onomy Labs, Inc.
851 Hamilton Av
Menlo Park CA
94025 USA

Dale MacDonald is a co-founder of Onomy Labs. He designs exhibits and directs software design and integration. In 17 years at Xerox PARC he did research in CMOS fabrication, large area amorphous silicon electronics, databases for semiconductor manufacturing, design practice, big documents in public, and was a co-designer of eXperiments in the Future of Reading, an award-winning exhibit that was originally installed at the Tech Museum of Innovation in 2000 and toured the US from 2001 to 2004.

Dale will present Science Mobilized: Bringing Up-To-The-Minute Headlines Into The Museum and Back Out Again: The Times Square of Science and Technology. [Paper]