Speaker: Marcelo Knobel
April 11-14, 2007
San Francisco, California

Speakers: Biography

Marcelo Knobel

Executive Director
Science Museum
State University of Campinas - Brazil
Caixa Postal 6194
Campinas SP
13083-970 Brazil

Marcelo Knobel is an Associate Professor of the Instituto de Física "Gleb Wataghin" (Gleb Wataghin Physics Institute), of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (State University of Campinas, UNICAMP). He has a PhD in Physics from UNICAMP, and post-doctorate stages at "Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale Galileo Ferraris", Turin, Italy, and "Instituto de Magnetismo Aplicado", Madrid, Spain. Since 1999 he leads the Laboratório de Materiais e Baixas Temperaturas (Materials and Low Temperatures Laboratory), from 2002 to 2006 he coordinated de Núcleo de Desenvolvimento da Criatividade (Criativity Development Center, NUDECRI), of UNICAMP and since 2006 he is the Executive Director of the Campinas Science Museum, also at UNICAMP. He is the coordinator of the project NanoAventura (NanoAdventure), http://www.mc.unicamp.br/nanoaventura.

Knobel has published more than 180 articles in refereed journals, mainly in the field of magnetism and magnetic materials. Knobel has systematically published articles and chronicles on Science in popular magazines and newspapers, he has presented a number of introductory talks on several topics of Science to students and teachers of different levels, and also teaches a course on Scientific Literacy in the Specialization Course on Science Journalism, at UNICAMP. Dr. Knobel has presented 70 invited seminars in several institutions, and 36 invited lectures in international conferences, and he has been enthusiastically promoting the popularization of science and technology in Brazil.

Marcelo will demonstrate NanoAventura. [Demonstration]