April 11-14, 2007
San Francisco, California

Industrial Heritage, Memory Preservation and ICTs

Glòria Munilla & Laura Solanilla, Open University of Catalonia, Spain


This project is conceived as an interdisciplinary project, to be developed in three years and involving different museums and heritage institutions. Its framework goal is to extend the relationship between industrial heritage, memory and ICTs, placing special emphasis on formal and non-formal education, teaching and learning, and in particular the potential of ICTs. Specifically, the project has as its main goals preserving the industrial heritage of Catalonia; the use of industrial heritage as a learning goal; and the development of virtual (on-line/on site) resources for industrial heritage management, documentation and dissemination.

Complementary goals are to analyse virtual resources and tools that can be used in transversal areas of knowledge like heritage; and to investigate the design of learning activities that use these resources. From this perspective, we consider it essential to conduct a theoretical and methodological review of the current state of knowledge in this area, and the development of case studies and specific products, including an evaluation process.  Taking as a base the different experiences carried out in this area, we intend to confirm that the ICT resources in the Broadcasting and Didactics of Heritage can become an essential factor for formal education. Bearing in mind the above, this proposed project relates to the research, analysis and design of tools channeled particularly to promote this new interdisciplinary area of knowledge.

Keywords: industrial heritage, memory, didactics, learning, ICT, museum, evaluation


This project is in line with the research activity of the Museia Group (IN3/UOC) coordinated by Dr. Gloria Munilla and made up of an interdisciplinary team. Its objective is to become a space for research on Heritage, Museology and Museography that embraces different ambits of knowledge: museums, society, studies of publics, education, interpretation of heritage and evaluation; broadcasting and documentation of heritage; studies of museum publics and on-site and/or virtual exhibitions.

Some of Museia's earlier research experiences focus on: evaluating the effectiveness of ICTs (nformation and communication technologies) in the broadcasting and documentation of heritage; the design and implementation of Web sites; their monitoring and evaluation (qualitative and quantitative); and the development of multi-media, hypertextual, on-line resources (teaching, learning, formal and non-formal education).

In addition, projects developed around the different virtual exhibitions and thematic portals ( have permitted research focusing on the analysis of cybermuseum experiences through monitoring and evaluating their use and effectiveness; the definition of their appropriate methodology and criteria; analysis of the usage and resources of virtuality and its relationship with museography and heritage; methodologies for qualitative and quantitative evaluation as applied in this scientific field; the nucleation of an interdisciplinary evaluation team brought on by direct work with the Museum.

Some of the conclusions of this preliminary research have already become standard references in national and international Heritage, Museology and ICT circles through presentations at congresses, publication of articles and books and participation in courses, lectures, etc. (cf. curricular documentation of participants in this proposed project, attached).

The research process highlighted the relationship that must of necessity exist between ICTs and the field of studies of publics as applied to museums and heritage, and dealt specifically with issues like complementariness between on-site and/or virtual evaluation; behaviour of publics and different types of public; power of attraction and power of retention; aspects of communication, broadcasting and teaching; positioning; the need for an interdisciplinary evaluation team, etc.

Museia is also working in the field of university teaching with contributions in the field of regulated training, postgraduate and doctoral training, as well as the changes and/or adaptations to come in with ESHA. Museia has set up alliances (also reflected in this proposed research project) with heritage and museums institutions such as the Directorate General for Heritage, Ministry of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (Culture Institute of Barcelona) and several museums (MnACTEC, Museu Marítim, etc.); and other universities (UIB, UdeGi).

Museia is currently working on the following projects:

  1. Projects related to the Scientific Observatory of the Mediterranean City (ICUB/Generalitat) (Created and directed until 2004 by Dr. Carme Prats. Currently still under way). Based on the evaluation of ICTs as applied to museums and science centres.
  2. Museum/School and School/Museum, project run jointly with schools in Catalonia, and which gives specific priority to the relationship between formal and non-formal education, teaching and learning, with special emphasis on the potential of ICTs.
  3. Heritage, identity and cultural rights. Includes different subprojects such as the project on Cultural Identity, Heritage and Historical memory, which includes a full analysis of the potential of ICTs in this field; and the project related to the dissemination and documentation of heritage as a basic cultural right.
  4. Heritage, Museums and ICTs in Catalonia. A project that nucleates into different subprojects and is based on the analysis of the potential of ICTs in the field of heritage and museums, and in the design and development of experiences in this field, jointly with different institutions that work in these fields, both in Catalonia and the rest of Spain.

Of these projects, number 3 on Heritage, identity and cultural rights is the object of this presentation. However the current structure of the research group, with its interdisciplinary team, means we can develop the other projects to varying extents, since one of the basic objectives is that all 4 should give mutual feedback. For example, analysing the introduction of ICTs in Catalan museums and heritage institutions in a way complements the research approach that we wish to develop in this presentation: as we know, the issue of the introduction of and literacy in technology are the basis of the application and theoretical budgets of this or other research processes that have ICTs as a framework.

As we have seen, among the basic objectives of the research group, within the framework of what is currently defined as the transversal field of knowledge of Heritage Interpretation, is to analyse the relationship between Cultural Identity, Heritage and Historical memory (Museia Annual Report:, including a full analysis of ICT's potential; and proposing and developing the project related to dissemination and documentation of heritage as a basic cultural right. In both senses, one of the most important thematic hubs is industrial Heritage, the object of analysis of this project. We refer specifically to the industrial heritage of Catalonia in which the most important institution involved with its conservation, recognised nationally and internationally, is the Science and Technological Museum of Catalonia - mNACTEC ( with which we are working directly on this proposal (with the expert guidance of Dr. Carme Prats, coordinator of the Territorial System of the mNACTEC, and member of the Museia research team) and other projects currently under way. Here, we should point out the development of joint projects focused on the production and use of resources that strengthen and revalue the natural and scientific heritage, as well as the analysis of the social perception of science and technology through heritage. Among other questions, this involves the approach to the communication and dissemination of knowledge processes and the analysis and study of publics (;

The general aim of the mNACTEC is to foster knowledge of the history of science and technology and the industrialisation of Catalonia, and of the productive processes in society. To achieve this aim, the museum embraces the following specific objectives: to acquire, conserve and restore past and present-day scientific and technical property, both in movable heritage (objects, tools, machines) and built heritage (buildings, constructions); and to stimulate studies of the history of science, technology and industrialisation; to make known the technical and scientific knowledge and progress of present-day society; to become the centre of activities related to industrial heritage; and to offer a meeting place for society, industry, the scientific community and, in particular, universities.

The geographical location, heritage, and landscape values of the museums in the mNACTEC System make them socio-cultural catalysers of their respective local areas. Also as members of a structured and organised network, they are centres of reference and tourist attractions for a large area. The development of content and proposals for scientific dissemination in attractive formats to stimulate curiosity and revalue knowledge amongst the general public, particularly young people, is a priority objective of the mNACTEC System.

Amongst other options, the project so approached lets us work transversally in different areas of museology and heritage knowledge: the recovery of industrial heritage, specifically of Catalonia; the educational use of industrial heritage; and the development of virtual and digital resources (on-line/on site) to manage, document and make known industrial heritage.

The Recovery Of Catalan Industrial Heritage

The project has the general objectives of documenting and making known the industrial heritage of Catalonia, laying the foundations of what will become the Network of Scientific Museums of Catalonia, focusing its research on the analysis of material and immaterial heritage related to industrialisation. It also aims to establish and develop the relationship between heritage and space (industrial landscape, industrial ecology, industrial archaeology, etc.). Team researchers have extensive experience in the scientific-technical and industrial heritage fields, and have been or are linked to a greater or lesser extent to institutions of these characteristics.

It is important to recall the links of Museia with the Scientific Observatory of the Mediterranean City (ICUB/Generalitat) and scientific production in this field (Gomis, R. Mª. (2004)).

The Educational Use Of Industrial Heritage

Traditionally the relationship of museums with schools (primary, secondary and sixth-forms) has been fundamental in the science of Heritage, among other reasons to increase understanding of the exhibition discourse in heritage museums and/or institutions. This can be corroborated by a brief analysis of Spanish and international experiences over the last 10 years, and the enhancement of the education, communication and dissemination services in these institutions. A more important issue, however, is how far educational institutions use and/or could use museum educational resources to complement formal education, introducing them into their curriculum. Here, the role that ICTs play and could play in this field is critical.

These days, discussion of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and their relationship with the different fields of knowledge, particularly education and culture, is inevitable. For example, the concept of e-learning, or new ways of making known and interpreting heritage, only go to prove the basic relationships that can be established between: formal/non-formal education; on-siteness/virtuality; virtual museum/on-site museum; school/museum and museum/school; formal/non-formal education; etc. On studying different experiences developed in this field (Subías (2004); Subías, Munilla, (2005); Corral (2006)), we find that ICT resources could become an indispensable factor in the Dissemination and Didactics of Heritage in formal education. In all these respects, the role of the Museu de la Ciència i de la Tècnica de Catalunya has been and continues to be fundamental. See, among others, the project ‘18 Museus per a les escoles. 18 Museus per conèixer la industrialització i comprendre la ciencia i la tècnica' (18 museums for schools. 18 museums for exploring industrialisation and understanding science and technology), in which the ‘Sistema territorial del Museu de la Ciència i de la Tècnica de Catalunya' ( is developed and enhanced (Sprünker, J.; Munilla, G. (2007).

The Development Of Virtual And Digital Resources (On-Line/On Site) For The Management, Documentation And Dissemination Of Industrial Heritage.

From our research itinerary (already outlined above) and very particularly in the field of the relationship between heritage, museology and ICTs, we have established some basic aspects that are essential for dealing with this third area of knowledge:

We should mention some experiences that have already been developed dealing with the relationship between scientific and technical heritage and ICTs (Gomis (2004) and some of the current projects already indicated.

Objectives of the Project

Starting from the above, the project aims to follow a line of research, analysis and tool design that will particularly enhance this new interdisciplinary field of knowledge.

Starting hypotheses are:

From both perspectives, we believe that the interrelated and decisive research questions are:

Previous Cases Studies

Earlier projects that form our starting point, as experiences already carried out:

a) A research experience and some reflections on non-formal education in school curricula. Conducted by Carolina Subías under the supervision of Gloria Munilla, 2003-2004 (Munilla et al.. 2005).

The school/museum and museum/school relationship is one of the clearest in dissemination policies by heritage and museum institutions, and already has a sound tradition (Alderoqui, 1996; Aguilera and Villalba, 1998; Hooper-Greenhill, 1998; Hein, 1998; Fernández Cervantes, 2001/2002). However, there have not been many experiences in the area of virtuality and of course this requires more specific monitoring. Currently, experiences relating museums with schools and virtual resources or spaces are becoming very interesting (Colorado (2003), Giordan et al. (1997), Errington et al. (2001), Bertuglia et al. (1999), Rico (2002), particularly p. 153-170 )on the potential of the Web. Another consideration is the significance in the most important international conferences on Heritage, Museums and ICTs allotted to pedagogical aspects of museums and ICTs: Culturtec 2002 (Madrid), EVA 2003 (Florence) and Museums and the Web 2003 (USA) (Ferreras, 2003).

Apart from this, recent studies on the cultural consumption of young Catalans after the Enquesta de consum i pràctiques culturals de Catalunya, 2001 (Survey on cultural consumption and practices of Catalonia, 2001) (Martínez et al. (2004), only confirm the already well-established tradition of the relationship between memory institutions and young students. It is now received thinking to consider that there is a distancing in cultural consumption between young people and museums, felt to be distant from ‘today's culture'. But this distancing has been reduced by data now to hand: 48% of young people (say that they) have visited at least one museum a year, and almost 22% have visited more than twice. These data are almost 10 points above the average for the population at large. Among other issues, those responsible for the study consider that the inclusion of the school or university factor may also have a great bearing here.

This work is a specific case study which has opened up many possibilities in formal/non-formal education and school/museum (or museum/school) relationships. It is therefore based on the experience of a specific project, in which pedagogical aspects have been among the basic factors of its conceptual structure. Currently, two of the virtual spaces designed have proved themselves to be ideal for carrying out joint activities with schools: ‘Memorias de nuestra infancia: los niños de la guerra (‘Memories of our childhood: the war children' and the ‘Portal de la Vall de Boí' (Portal of the Vall de Boí

This fact, as well as the specific purposes of the research project, including the wish to further explore the resources of non-formal education offered by museums and ICTs, led us to plan a series of on-site virtual activities with students at different levels of schooling. These were carried out between September and November 2003, and formed the End of Course Work in Humanities of Carolina Subías at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya between February 2003 and June 2004 (Subías, C. (2004 A and B)). The objective was to involve school students in carrying out specific activities related to some of the virtual exhibitions designed, particularly the exhibition ‘Memorias de nuestra infancia: los niños de la guerra' and ‘Portal de la Vall de Boí'. Activities were carried out in groups and brought together different students from each school.

There has been a proposal to exhibit the activities carried out through a temporary on-site exhibition. This is because extensive and very diverse documentation was obtained: drawings, comments, compositions, works and essays on the Spanish Civil War, films, exchange of experiences between the young and older people who lived through this conflict, personal experiences of life and school in rural and urban environments, analysis of the introduction of ICTs into schools and their assimilation by child and youth publics. Also taken into account was feedback on the experience, raising among other possibilities subsequent evaluation of the experience by the specialist publics involved (teaching body, students, research team members, etc.). The evaluative process thus includes the basic parameters defined for a complete model of preliminary, educational and final evaluation, which is also what we are proposing here for cybermuseographic experiences (Hooper-Greenhill, 1998, 99-116).

Throughout the work, we have established levels of comparison between the fields of public and private school, different levels of the school public, and rural and urban areas. The schools involved were: several schools in the City of Barcelona (Pràctiques II, a public primary school; IES Emperador Carles, a public secondary and sixth-form school; IPSE, a private primary school); as well as Pont de Suert (IES Pont de Suert, a public secondary and sixth-form school) and Vall de Boí (public primary schools). The experience thus constituted a detailed analysis of the potential of non-formal education with ICT support in the school field, and its relationship with the field of museums and heritage. Also essential for the development of this experience was the direct involvement of both teaching body and students. Another basic aspect was the definitive inclusion of an activity of this kind, based on virtual exhibitions, which permitted the production of a series of contents that have been recognised as free-choice credits by the management of the different centres.

b) Diagnosis of the relationship between virtual museography teaching applications and formal education: case analyses, by Rosa Corral with the supervision of Laura Solanilla, 2005-2006 (Corral 2006). In this case, work was done on two levels. There is a theoretical analysis of the role played by new technologies in the museum in the educational field. Apart from this, a series of case studies proposed by heritage institutions was selected (The British Museum, Le Louvre, The Smithsonian, etc.) and their contributions and limitations in the field of formal education were analysed.

c) Museu Nacional de la Ciència i de la Tècnica de Catalunya (mNACTEC): several projects related to the documentation, didactics and dissemination of industrial heritage. Among these were “18 museums for schools. Territorial system of Museu de la Ciencia i de la Tècnica de Catalunya. A national museum all over the country” ('. Currently, two projects are being put together and developed, with joint participation from museum researchers and researchers from the Museia research group:

d) The social perception of science and technology through industrial and cultural heritage: an experimental study, coordinator: Dr. Carme Prats i Joaniquet (Deputy Director, mNACTEC): an evaluation programme for use with the general public and captive groups of schoolchildren, using audiovisual resources prepared ex professo for the project, based on the scientific and industrial heritage of the Sistema del Museu de la Ciència i de la Tècnica de Catalunya (mNACTEC System), a network made up of 18 science and technology museums all over Catalonia. The general objective of this study is to add to the knowledge on social perceptions about science and technology in two environments: a physical visit to 4 centres in the mNACTEC System, and a virtual visit to the same heritage resources adapted to use of the Internet. The three specific objectives of the project are:

  1. to set up an interdisciplinary work team, including scientific, museological and communication specialists to prepare the experience's audiovisual resources, surveys and assessment system and conceptual discussion;
  2. to create a product based on the scientific and technological heritage of the mNACTEC System in an attractive scientific disclosure format for exhibition in museums and on the Internet; and
  3. to develop an innovative assessment system that can measure how far and in what specific aspects heritage resources influence the information, opinion, interest and scientific culture of people and communities. (Programa Nacional de Fomento de la Cultura Científica Y Tecnológica Convocatoria de Ayudas 2006. (National programme to foster scientific and technological culture. Notice of Grants 2006).

The Network of Scientific (science and technology) Museums of Catalonia, as its name indicates, aims to set up a virtual platform for management, documentation, didactics and dissemination in these institutions, based on the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) factor. In fact, the project which we are presenting means the start and development of the theoretical, methodological and applicable factors that will constitute the origin and implementation of this network. Coordinator: Dr. Carme Prats (mNACTEC) and Dr. Gloria Munilla (Museia).

e) Virtual exhibitions projects whose central objective was the recovery of the historical memory, oral heritage, etc. carried out between 2000 and 2004 (Munilla et al. (2005):


The methodology to be implemented in this project is based on its organisation into the following objectives and phases:

1) Analysing and drawing up the theoretical framework.

2) Running case studies or pilot experiences in this field that involve the collection and analysis of data:

3) Presenting industrial heritage items in the best form:

4) Documenting the industrial heritage of Catalonia using different data types: images, documents, buildings, landscapes, interviews, testimony, etc. Develop the different resources for documentation and dissemination: on-line / on site; on-siteness, virtuality, etc.

5) Evaluating and systematically monitoring pilot experiences carried out. The whole experience will be evaluated from the start of the project, allowing comprehensive monitoring of its implementation, taking into account similar prior experiences run by the research group. Overall, the evaluation process involves:

6) Drawing up the report of the whole project

7) Applying results of the research in:

8) Using the research project to open up extensive and recognised lines in this interdisciplinary field of knowledge between Industrial Heritage, Historical Memory, Documentation, Teaching and ICTs.

9) Designing and carrying out a plan of action in the field of broadcasting, coverage and dissemination of the project's results. This broadcasting and dissemination plan is directly related to the plan proposed in the joint project on Percepción social de la ciencia y técnica mediante el patrimonio industrial i cultural: estudio experimental (Social perception of science and technology through industrial and cultural heritage: experimental study), coordinated by Dr. Carme Prats, already referred to.

Finally, we propose the conceptualisation and development of a portal for the Industrial heritage and historical memory of Catalonia that deals with the subject from three viewpoints:

1. Map of the Industrial Heritage of Catalonia. Topographic location, relationship with the landscape and documentation of each of the elements/buildings featured on this map

2. Data base of documentary heritage related to Industrial heritage. To produce this, we will work from the collections of museums in the network, complementing them with collections from local archives and individuals: company store tokens, payroll sheets, photographs etc.

3. Oral heritage project based on people who worked in the different industrial centres, documenting changes in the ways of life, culture and mindset. Special emphasis will be placed on the role of women in the industrialisation process, so incorporating a gender component

Transversally, the portal will have a battery of on-line teaching resources, suitable for each educational level, which will allow us to use it as a teaching tool, so demonstrating the potential of new technologies in the educational field.

The Project

1. Analysis, Review And Production Of The Theoretical Framework

1.1. Plan of Work

The review and state-of-the-art focuses particularly on the last decade (1996/2006). As already explained, we must keep in mind that the project proposes a new look at the now classical relationship between industrial heritage, historical memory and teaching. Thus, from this perspective too, museum institutions have planned many related activities and much research within their educational and dissemination areas. The reverse relationship is less common, where ICTs and virtual resources are clearly basic for the approach to and exploration in these fields of knowledge. In fact, the precedents of our own research (in both Museia and the mNACTEC network) set the pace, and few similar works are known. It is above all in the English-speaking world where similar lines of work have been carried out, but overwhelmingly from the disciplinary focus of museology and heritage, as well as heritage institutions. Some international experiences in this line are Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie de la Villette, Paris, France (; Landesmuseum Für Technik und Arbeit in Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany (;Musée des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France (; Musée des Télécommunications: Le Radome, Pleumeur-Bodou, France (; Museum of Science and Industry of Chicago, Chicago, United States (; Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom (; The National Museum of Science and Industry, London, United Kingdom (; New Lanark World Heritage Site (, Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site.

1.2. Methodology:

The project is tackled from different perspectives:

This is why in Phase One, the intervention of the whole (interdisciplinary) research team is essential. Each will contribute the perspective of their different fields of knowledge. The bibliographical and documentary review is important for the theoretical framework, as are the Spanish and international experiences of application over the last decade.

2. Development Of Case Studies And Pilot Experiences

2.1. Plan of Work

The plan of work also includes the objective of presenting the industrial heritage elements in the best way (Objective 3, explained above):

Phase One: Map of the Industrial heritage of Catalonia. Means the production of a museographic project and of what is known as an exhibition discourse, based on graphic, Web graphic, written, oral, etc. documentation. Involves the development of both on-site and virtual resources. In Phase One, work concentrates specifically on the following aspects: provision of content; exhibition design and discourse; graphics, communication and dissemination aspects; implementation and teaching and learning applications; and evaluation and study of the public.

Phase Two: structuring, design and implementation of spaces suitable for use as museums and interpretation centres in the mNACTEC Territorial System (Museu Nacional de la Ciència i de la Tècnica de Catalunya), based on the network of science and technology museums of Catalonia.

Phase Three: design and development of a virtual space of the memory, focused on the field of modern and contemporary history and so also on industrial heritage. This aims to digitise and ensure access by the general public to the documentation and individual heritage deposited in collections and archives that in their current state have little chance of being consulted. In addition, this will be a virtual space specially designed for the educational community, developing specific programmes and proposals for work based on sound, visual, graphic and textual documentation contained in this resource. Also involves producing content and its systematic evaluation.

2.2. Methodology

This is when the need for interdisciplinarity in the project can be most clearly seen. This involves aspects of design and conceptualisation of virtual resources (Cybermuseographics); assessment and supervision; analysis of data bases; design of educational activities within curricular itineraries; dissemination and communication of heritage; spaces for memory and interpretation and teaching about heritage.

3. Documenting The Industrial Heritage Of Catalonia With Different Types Of Data

3.1. Plan of Work:

Objective 4 involves the development of documentary activity almost from the start of the project and is thus parallel to Objective 1 (theoretical framework) and Objective 2 (implementation, development, evaluation and dissemination of specific projects).

3.2. Methodology:

Documenting the industrial heritage of Catalonia involves collation of different kinds of data: images, documents, buildings, landscapes, interviews, testimony, etc. Many of the techniques used for this collation and documentation come from historic, industrial archaeological and industrial ecological methodology, and the methodology applied in the transverse and interdisciplinary field of knowledge that establishes the relationship between space and heritage.

4. Evaluating And Developing The Systematic Monitoring Of Pilot Experiences

4.1. Plan of work:

As with the former case, this objective involves development of activity from Phase Two of the project.

4.2. Methodology:

5. Drawing Up The Report Of The Whole Project

5.1. Plan Of Work Envisaged:

Amongst other issues, the report will reflect the direct or indirect results of the project, as well as its timing, methodology and conclusions as regards the following fields of knowledge: analysis and evaluation, studies of publics, didactics and learning, exhibition discourse tools, museography, museology and heritage; industrial heritage: oral memory, material elements, etc.

5.2. Methodology:

All team members will be involved in preparing the report, each taking responsibility for one field of knowledge related to their own speciality. One of the main bases of the project is its evaluation and supervision with a view to obtaining feedback; results and data obtained must therefore be considered in the report. Both previously and in parallel, the research team has already designed a communication and dissemination plan for its results (see below).

6. Applying Research Results

6.1. Plan Of Work Envisaged:

In this section, it must be recalled that work begins from Phase One of the project, where the schools, teachers and students with whom we will agree to develop the pilot experiences will be directly involved. The schedule of involvement at different levels must therefore be designed jointly with these groups.

6.2. Methodology:

One of the keys to this entire research process is the development of methodologies and strategies that allow:

The Research Project also intends these experiences to be considered as a framework for key content in school curricula. In this, as in the experiences already carried out, we rely on the complicity and cooperation of education professionals and students themselves.

Among the most interesting aspects of the project are aspects related to the analysis of experiences and their effectiveness for a particular type of public, the school public. In fact, this transverse approach is the subject of a specific transverse project which the research group has already begun to work on, under the title Tic, Educación y Patrimonio (ICTs, Education and Heritage), and whose specific structure is given in the following diagram:

Fig 1: Project Scheme

Fig 1: Project Scheme

7) Using The Research Project To Open Up Broad And Recognised Lines Of Research In This Interdisciplinary Field Of Knowledge.

The plan of work and methodology both run parallel to and follow the earlier phases. One of the project's objectives is that, when seen from the academic and university environment, these interdisciplinary fields of knowledge are recognised as amongst the basic channels for higher education. We therefore also try to design, for primary, secondary and sixth-form levels, credits that deal with these contents, like those we developed at the earlier stages of our research.

This process will also be parallel to all actions for national and international dissemination planned by team members.

8) Designing And Carrying Out A Plan Of Action For Broadcasting And Dissemination Of The Project's Results

8.1. Plan of Work:

It is intended to make a special effort to disseminate project results. This has two aims:

  1. To bring the most important results of our research to the general public.
  2. To make known the results in Spanish and international scientific circles. To achieve this, absolutely all media available will be used: articles, monographs, conferences, attendance at lectures, reports, Web pages, etc.

Finally, we envisage the creation of our own Web page. This page will also be conceptualised with two aims in mind: its access will be specially designed to bring the main results to the general public, and it will be a window open to the scientific world. The Web page will be regularly updated with results as we obtain them. In the last instance, the Museia Web page or portal has the overall objective of becoming a systematically updated virtual space about the fields of heritage, teaching, learning and virtual related resources.


We expect this project to provide several scientific benefits. The most important scientific-and technical contributions that we hope to make at the end of the project are the following:

As regards the plan for dissemination, we expect to obtain and create a great many articles, monographs, attendances at lectures, conferences, exhibitions, etc. which will help us continue to feed the appropriate channels with the continuous accumulation of information as our research team proceeds. We intend to attend the most important international conferences and symposiums in this field. Communications will also be presented to all Spanish conferences and symposiums on themes or from sectors that focus on any of the issues possibly related to our subject of study. We intend to publish in reputable Spanish publications at least five articles a year of a global and generic nature on the progress of our research. We will also write an indeterminate number of articles on the more specific themes of our research. Lastly, going back to the Web page, we intend to have it up and running around the end of the first year, and this will allow us the continuous and updated dissemination of results. We intend to organise international study days at the end of the entire project to present its overall results. In addition, we are hoping to organise at least one specific workshop each year of the project.

The project that we have presented and detailed above is a proposal that contributes an up-to-date and interdisciplinary vision of the relationship between heritage, formal/non-formal education and ICTs. We therefore envisage from the start that the benefits from our activity will be very diverse. We also feel that although the desired results of and main reason for our activity are scientific, we also wish to achieve maximum dissemination of our research among the general public.


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Cite as:

Munilla, G. and L. Solanilla, Industrial Heritage, Memory Preservation and ICTs , in J. Trant and D. Bearman (eds.). Museums and the Web 2007: Proceedings, Toronto: Archives & Museum Informatics, published March 1, 2007 Consulted

Editorial Note