April 9-12, 2008
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Workshops: Description


Paul Doherty, Exploratorium, USA
Rob Rothfarb, Exploratorium, USA

LAB SL is a full day workshop on Second Life designed for attendees who are already familiar with the SL environment and are planning to implement museum activities there. It will examine some good and bad museum implementations and explore the methods museums can exploit to make Second Life a viable extension of their programming.

Attendees should bring their laptops with SL installed and their avatars ready to spend a day working with others to explore the challenging and exciting parts of building SL applications.

Online resources for LAB SL participants are accessible before, during, and after the conference at the Museum Virtual Worlds website at

After the conference, LAB SL participants are invited to attend an in-world tour of Museums in SL.

Workshop: Second Life [Full Day]

Keywords: Second Life, virtual worlds, collaborative virtual environments, community, web 3D