April 9-12, 2008
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Interactions: Description

Wiki Software and Facilities for Museums   go to paper

Jonathan Bowen, Museophile Limited, United Kingdom

The potential for the use of wikis by museums to aid collaboration between users is great. Wikis allow a virtual community to maintain and update information in a cooperative and convenient manner. This mini-workshop presents current wiki tools and facilities that are available on-line and suitable for use by museums for on-line collaboration and the building of virtual communities. The general concept of wikis is introduced, and the leading wiki on the Web, Wikipedia, is covered in a museum context. Major wiki software platforms are briefly mentioned, with pointers to further information. The use of external wiki facilities such as those provided by Wikia, a free community of wikis, is also presented. Alternative wiki facilities are briefly compared. A selection of existing examples of museum-related wikis is surveyed, including comments on their features in a wider context. Some lessons from experience of wikis so far are given and the possible future of wikis, especially with respect to museums, is considered.

Mini-Workshop: Wikis for Museums [Mini-Workshop]

Keywords: wiki, on-line collaboration, virtual community, Wikipedia, Web 2.0