April 9-12, 2008
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Demonstrations: Description

A Journey into Time Immemorial

Ivana Filipovich, Simon Fraser University, Canada

This project is a collaboration between the Xa:ytem Longhouse Interpretive Centre, Simon Fraser University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology and SFU’s Learning and Instructional Development Centre; financed by the Virtual Museum of Canada/Canadian Heritage Information Network.

The LIDC and its Media Design unit have an experienced team of media specialists comprising photographers, videographers, new media designers, 3D artists and illustrators. Creating a virtual village in Flash pushed our creative and technical abilities to the maximum. After creating a detailed storyboard, collecting props, and assembling a green screen studio, actors from Stó:lo Nation were brought in to bring their ancestors to life. The final result is an exciting website with 7 panoramas dynamically loading sound, video characters, panorama elements and educational content through a Flash panorama engine custom created for the website. We have completely succeeded in transforming a purely museum content into a virtual ancient environment which gives the visitors endless ways of exploring the content and enjoying the animated scenes from the past.

Demonstration: Demonstrations - 1 [Demonstrations]

Keywords: First Nations, Sto:lo, Xa:ytem Longhouse Interpretive Centre, SFU Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Learning and Instructional Development Centre, Virtual Museum of Canada, A Journey into Time Immemorial