April 9-12, 2008
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Demonstrations: Description

Teaching with Art: Online Curriculum-Building at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston,

Willamarie Moore, Museum of Fine Arts, USA
Jenna Fleming, Museum of Fine Arts, USA

In this demonstration, attendees will gain an understanding of a new online education resource created by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. This tool encourage teachers to create and share theme-based online artwork collections tailored to their lesson plans. With the ability to aggregate items from the MFA's collection in powerful and revealing ways, combined with the ability for educators to add their own supporting materials and resources, teachers can develop curriculum kits that foster thinking about art in new contexts.

This session will feature a discussion of best practices and lessons learned as well as a demonstration of functionality such as viewing MFA-provided resources, creating teacher-authored materials, sharing with peers and students, and social tagging.

Demonstration: Demonstrations - 2 [Demonstrations]

Keywords: educators, teachers, online collections, curriculum building