Speaker: Melissa Carrillo
April 9-12, 2008
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Speakers: Biography

Melissa Carrillo

Virtual Museum/Web Programs Director
Smithsonian Latino Center
600 Maryland Ave. SW Suite 7042
Washington DC
20024-0512 USA

Ms. Carrillo has directed and designed interactive virtual exhibition programming for the Smithsonian Latino Center’s Latino Virtual Gallery for over eight years. Ms. Carrillo is leading the online initiative the Smithsonian Latino Virtual Museum (LVM) in Second Life, an interactive interface to Smithsonian Latino Collections, phase I scheduled to launch in 2008. As the virtual museum’s director, Ms. Carrillo developed the core conceptual framework for the project and orchestrated the development of a strategic plan in 2007 with a team of media experts from the Smithsonian and from Ohio University’s Vital Lab. The LVM team is scheduled to go into Second Life production in January 2008.

Melissa will demonstrate Through the Looking Glass: Representing Cultural Heritage Online_The Smithsonian Latino Virtual Museum in Second Life.. [Demonstration]