April 15-18, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Demonstrations: Description

California Video Exhibition kiosk and web site

Jack Ludden, J. Paul Getty Trust, USA

In 2008, the Getty Research Institute, in collaboration with the J. Paul Getty Museum, put together the California Video exhibition. My demonstration will focus on the kiosk and web site from this show, which allowed visitors to select and view works of video art.

While demonstrating the application’s functionality and design, I will highlight how we arrived at our major milestones such as: user interface, content creation and editing, application functionality, prototype testing, beta review, web site launch and gallery installation of the kiosk.

Our goal was simple. We wanted to create an elegant, usable experience that would be successful as an in-gallery kiosk as well as a web site. In short, we wanted to build it once and modify it for two different platforms. On the kiosk, we wanted to show full-length, unedited, high-quality video content in a larger player. On the web, we needed to show only short excerpts and the video needed to be optimized.

Our institution is large, which makes for a complex production environment, and there were many points-of-view that needed to be heard. Developing a collective and cohesive vision, let alone a manageable production schedule, was a challenge. However, the end result was rewarding.

Separating content data from the presentation was a critical element that enabled us to modify the application for the kiosk and then the web site. We used Flash as our “front-end” presentation. Our content data was stored in xml.

We built this multimedia experience so that it could be scalable, reusable and distributed to various platforms. As a result, visual design elements can be modified without impacting code base and data from the xml can be easily modified. Now, we now have a presentation tool that can be easily re-used.

Demonstration: Demonstrations 1 [Close Up]

Keywords: california video demonstration, flash development, xml data source, user interface design, new production methods, kiosk