April 15-18, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA


Explore topics in-depth, at an advanced or elementary level, in workshops given by experienced professionals.

On April 15, 2009 (the day before the conference program begins) full- and half-day workshops were given by leaders in the museum computing field. Topics were both theoretical and practical, offering a focused way to build your skills. Whether you are just beginning, or are well advanced in your use of the Web, there wasa workshop to further your professional development.

Workshop presenters are professionals with broad experience and valuable insights to share.

All Workshops required separate, paid, registration.

Wednesday April 15, 2009
9:00 am–
5:00 pm

Full Day Workshops

9:00 am-
5:00 pm
Full Day

Content Management: Strategies and Systems - FULL

Darren Peacock, Australia

9:00 am-
5:00 pm
Full Day

Make It Multi-Touch - FULL

Paul Lacey, Jim Spadaccini, USA

9:00 am-
5:00 pm
Full Day

Programming the iPhone/iPod touch for your museum - FULL

Bert Degenhart Drenth, The Netherlands

9:00 am–
12:30 pm
Half Day

Morning Workshops

9:00 am-
12:30 pm

Into the blue with RSS - a practical workshop to build cultural feeds - FULL

Jon Pratty, United Kingdom

9:00 am-
12:30 pm

Intro to Drupal for Museums - FULL

David Henry, USA

9:00 am-
12:30 pm

Developing effective e-Learning resources: a practical guide - FULL

Steve Gardam, Carolyn Royston, United Kingdom

9:00 am-
12:30 pm

Now there is a second opportunity to make a first impression - Cancelled

Susan Hazan, Israel

9:00 am-
12:30 pm

Planning for Social Media - FULL

Sebastian Chan, Angelina Russo, Australia

1:30 pm–
5:00 pm
Half Day

Afternoon Workshops

1:30 pm-
5:00 pm

Remote Data Strategies with Drupal: Integrating and Extending Your Collection On-line - FULL

Tiffany Farriss, Larry Garfield, USA

1:30 pm-
5:00 pm

Evaluation Methods: A Practicum - FULL

Kate Haley Goldman, Jes Koepfler, USA

1:30 pm-
5:00 pm

Interaction Design for Museums on the Web - FULL

Frankie Roberto, United Kingdom

1:30 pm-
5:00 pm

Podcast Production: From Concept to Delivery - FULL

Ted Forbes, USA

1:30 pm-
5:00 pm

Web analytics and measuring on-line success in a rapidly changing on-line landscape - FULL

Sebastian Chan, Australia

Wednesday April 15, 2009
5:00 pm–
6:00 pm

Orientation Session for First-Timers

Jennifer Trant, Canada
Darren Peacock, Australia