April 15-18, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Interactions: Description

iTunes U   go to paper

Jason Ediger, Apple Inc., USA
Katie Walton, Apple Inc., USA
Steve Wilson, Apple Inc., USA

Museums, historical societies, public libraries and other cultural institutions have joined the hundreds of colleges and universities using iTunes U to make their educational content available to a world-wide audience. In this workshop, you will learn about iTunes U, how to prepare and present your content, and how your iTunes U site can extend your audience and further connect with your institution's patrons. You will also have the opportunity to learn from museums already using iTunes U.

Topics covered:

  • Content preparation
  • RSS feeds and metagging
  • iTunes U site architecture
  • Marketing your iTunes U site

Background materials: Apple Education, Creating Content for iPod + iTunes [PDF]

Mini-Workshop: iTunes U [Mini-Workshop]

Keywords: streaming media, tours, lectures, user contributed content, content delivery, iTunes U