Speaker: Karin Coninx
April 15-18, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Speakers: Biography

Karin Coninx

Professor in Computer Science
Expertise Centre for Digital Media (EDM) / Hasselt University
Campus Diepenbeek
Wetenschapspark 2
BE-3590 Belgium

Karin gained a Ph.D in Information Technology following a study into Human-Computer Interaction in immersive virtual environments. Since 1998 she has worked as a full-time professor at the Hasselt University and in that capacity lectures on various general information technology subjects and specialized subjects relating to man-machine interaction. As group leader of the human-computer interaction group of the Expertise Centre for Digital Media at the UHasselt, she is responsible for various research projects relating to interaction in virtual environments, mobile and context-sensitive systems, interactive work spaces, user-centred development and the model-based realization of user interfaces.

Karin will present Mobile guides and context-specific educational mobile games. [Mini-Workshop]