Conference Sponsors

Museums and the Web: An International Conference
Los Angeles, CA, March 16 - 19, 1997

The organizers of the Museums and the Web conference would like to thank the following institutions for their financial contributions and support:

Conference Sponsor

Getty Information Institute

Reception Sponsors

Reception at the American Film Institute, sponsored by Apple Computer, Inc. and the American Film Insitute, with transportation provided by Corbis Corporation.

MUSEUM-L and MUSWEB-L Reception, sponsored by the Williamson Gallery, Art Center College of Design, Pasedena, California

Supporter of Museums and the Web

Canadian Heritage Information Network

Workshop Sponsors

Consortium for Computer Interchange of Museum Information (CIMI)

Further Sponsorship Opportunities are available.

Archives & Museum Informatics Museums and the Web Register Exhibit Sponsor Program

Last modified: January 20, 1997
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