Speaker Biographies

Museums and the Web: An International Conference
Los Angeles, CA, March 16 - 19, 1997

Douglas MacKenzie

Douglas MacKenzie has been involved in interactive software and multimedia development since 1976 and is still unsure what he wants to do when he grows up. He has provided consultancy on multimedia and digital imaging and developed systems for training, education and point-of-information for companies worldwide including AT&T, Software AG and British Gas. Current work in the museum field includes the TAMH project, a virtual museum telling the maritime story of the East Coast of Scotland, and Joseph Beuys in Scotland, in conjunction with the Demarco Gallery, first a touchscreen exhibit at the Edinburgh Festival and now a CD-ROM. Douglas is Managing Director of DMC Ltd, a company with offices in Arbroath and Glasgow, Scotland and Cleveland, Ohio. P>

Copyright Archives & Museum Informatics, 1997

Archives & Museum Informatics Museums and the Web Register Exhibit Sponsor Program

Last modified: February 28, 1997
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