Speaker Biographies

Museums and the Web: An International Conference
Los Angeles, CA, March 16 - 19, 1997

David Jensen

Davd Jensen is a digital architect and cultural producer. He holds an M.Arch (Harvard University, 1987) and a B.S. in Architecture (University of Houston, 1984). He has worked as an architect, produced and designed independent media, managed research projects and public programs and continues to work as a community advocate. As an architect he worked in the offices of Richard Meier and Partners, New York, Zaha Hadid, London and Frank Israel Design Associates, Los Angeles. Currently he is Project Manager at the Getty Information Institute for a community networking initiative called Los Angeles Culture Net: Visions of Digital Communities. At the Getty, Jensen has been responsible for a number of public programs and research projects including: Public Space/Culture Wars: Redefining the Public Sphere in America; CineCity: Film and Perceptions of Urban Space, 1895-1995; Power and Responsibility: Art Institutions and Cultural Change; and Shifting Boundaries/Contested Spaces.

Copyright Archives & Museum Informatics, 1997

Archives & Museum Informatics Museums and the Web Register Exhibit Sponsor Program

Last modified: February 28, 1997
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