Speaker Biographies

Museums and the Web: An International Conference
Los Angeles, CA, March 16 - 19, 1997

Suzette Worden

Suzette Worden is Director of the CTI (Computers in Teaching Initiative) Art and Design (CTIAD), which opened in June 1996 at the University of Brighton. CTIAD is one of 24 subject-based centres in the UK. Their aim is to promote the use of computers in teaching and learning in higher education. She is also a member of the advisory committee of CTICH (The CTI Centre for History with Archaeology and Art History) and a committee member of CHArt (Computers and the History of Art). In 1995 she edited the Digital Creativity CD-ROM for the CADE 95(Computers in Art and Design Education) conference.

Suzette Worden is also a lecturer in the School of Historical & Critical Studies, Faculty of Art, Design & Humanities at the University of Brighton. Since 1992 she has been involved in a researching the use of computers for art and design history. She completed a Ph.d. in 1980 on British Furniture Design in Britain, 1919-1939 and has written various articles on furniture history and on women, design and technology. In 1994 she was joint curator of an exhibition, 'Women Designing: Redefining Design in Britain Between the Wars', held at the University of Brighton Gallery and other UK venues. With Jill Seddon she edited a book of selected essays of the same name.

Archives & Museum Informatics Museums and the Web Register Exhibit Sponsor Program

Last modified: February 28, 1997
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