October 24-26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Speakers: Biography

Speaker: Jaime Kaminski


Jaime Kaminski

Research Manager
University of Brighton
Brighton Business School
Watts Building
Lewes Road
Brighton East Sussex
BN2 4GJ United Kingdom

Jaime started his career as an archaeologist. He has a Ph.D. from the University of Reading which considered the archaeological evidence for ancient environmental impact. He left archaeology in 1996 to become an analyst in a technology research company. In 2002 he moved to Canada to undertake research and consultancy for a number of public and private organisations. Since 2004 Jaime has been working at Brighton Business School at the University of Brighton, UK, as part of the EPOCH Project (www.epoch.eu). He is responsible for research in Workpackage 2.6 which considers the ‘Socio-economic Impact of Cultural Heritage Sites in Europe’, with specific reference the impact of technology on those sites. He is a founding member of the CUBIST (Cultural Business: Impact, Strategy and Technology) research group at Brighton Business School.

Jaime will present Modeling ICT deployment at heritage sites: a mechanism for impact assessment. [Paper]