
1.1 How to Build a Digital Library using Open-Source Software
Ian Witten , University of Waikato, New Zealand

Session: 1.1 How to Build a Digital Library using Open-Source Software

This tutorial describes how to build your own digital library using the Greenstone digital library software, a comprehensive, open-source system for constructing, presenting, and maintaining information collections. Collections built automatically include effective full-text searching and metadata-based browsing facilities that are attractive and easy to use. They are easily maintainable and can be rebuilt entirely automatically. Searching is full-text, and different indexes can be constructed (including metadata indexes). Browsing utilizes hierarchical structures that are created automatically from metadata associated with the source documents. Collections can include text, pictures, audio, and video. Documents can be in any language: Chinese and Arabic interfaces exist. Although primarily designed for Web access, collections can be made available, in precisely the same form, on CD-ROM or DVD. The system is extensible: software "plugins" accommodate different document and metadata types.

The Greenstone software runs under both Unix and Windows, and is issued as source code under the GNU public license. Attendees will receive an extensive user manual and should learn enough to download the software, set up a digital library system, and create their own searchable, browsable, information collections with whatever searching and browsing indexes they require. Those with programming skills should be able to extend and tailor the system extensively.


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Published: 01/09/01
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