
The final day of ichim01, Friday, September 7, featured a lunch session of demonstrations from 2:00 pm - 4:15 pm. This session showcased over one hundred demonstrations of applications discussed in papers given at the conference.

Demo Track 1: Cultural Heritage and Education
September 7
2pm - 4:15pm

Discovernet© : an Education Gateway to Museums and Galleries

Teaching and Learning through Exploring and Manipulating 3D Models

I-irasshai: an Immersive Cultural Learning Experience


Demo Track 2: New Forms of Interaction
September 7
2pm -4:15pm

A Collaborative Exploration of Leonardo's 3D Virtual City

MUSE: an Integrated System for Mobile Fruition and Site Management

Demo Track 3: Virtual Cities and Architectures
September 7
2pm - 4:15pm
The Virtual Museum of Architecture

KotaView: Simulating Korean Traditional Architecture Interactively and Intelligently on the Web

Bologna at a Glance

Exploring Landscape, Documenting Culture, Constructing Memory. The Loire Valley Internet Worksho

Demo Track 4: Digital Collections
September 7
2pm - 4:15pm

Arts and Humanities Data Service - Digital Collections

Heritage on the Web: Providing Access to Historic Properties and their Contents

The NZDL Niupepa Collection: Historical Indigenous Language Newspapers on the Internet

Images of the Early 20th Century. The Photographic Fund of the Istituto di Arti Grafiche of Bergamo for

The New Norwegian Rock Art Database

Demo Track 5: Preserving Culture
September 7
2pm - 4:15pm
LeMO: an Internet Multimedia Information System of 20th Century German History

Art2LIFE: the Canadian Century

Zoom Media Lab & the Virtual Collection of Children's Everyday Culture

Facing Challenges of New Media on the Crossroads of East-West and Past-Future (Lithuanian Case Study)

The Survival of Traditional Brick Factories in the Baixada Campista

Demo Track 6: Technologies and Tools
September 7
2pm - 4:15pm
iPaq Virtual Museum Guide

ICT Based Monument Management

3D Reconstruction Applied to Virtual Heritage and Cultural Preservation

Digital Preservation of Cultural Heritage through Constructive Modeling

Minerva: an Artificial Intelligent System for Composition of Museums

Migrator 2000: Jpeg 2000 file format

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Politecnico di Milano

Published: 01/09/01
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