IBC WEB SITE: a Multi-stage, Multi-site Experimentation of W2000 Model
Maria Pia Guermandi , Istituto Beni Culturali della Regione Emilia Romagna, Italy

Short Paper: Short Paper 4: Building a New Culture

The IBC web site has been on-line since 1996: in the last months our web site has been completely restyled and reorganised in cooperation with Politecnico di Milano (Diparimento di Elettronica). We are trying to explore and employ new patterns of technology-based communication for Cultural Heritage. As far as the information available, the IBC web site is similar, both to other museum web sites, and to those of research institutions operating in the same fields. It can therefore be regarded as a multi-site, both for its content, and for the audience it addresses. The contents include general information on cultural events taking place in the region (exhibitions, conferences, presentation of books, restoration works, etc.), as well as information concerning the activities carried out by IBC, on-line publishing (IBC magazine, proceedings, etc.), and also the access to databases (textual information and GIS), pre-information on upcoming conferences, management of museums and library projects. The methodology used to shape the site, still under test and in progress, is that implemented by Politecnico of Milano (W2001), which is a development of 'HDM (Hypermedia Design Model).


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Published: 01/09/01
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