Getting a Multimedia Message across in Palermo Information Technology and Artistic Heritage in an Area with a Low Rate of Development
Loredana Benincasa , University di Palermo, Italy
Cinzia Ferrara , University di Palermo, Italy

Short Paper: Short Paper 3: Case Studies

It is not that our cultural heritage should be regarded as riches that may be turned to profit; it is that the decay into which many monuments and historic sites have fallen by making them part of society's wealth-generating structures would represent an opportunity for otherwise run-down areas to get back on their feet again. For that to happen, communication will be an indispensable tool, making our cultural wealth easily accessible to all and allowing it to be taken advantage of. Palermo has this problem. It has a marvellous cultural heritage but no global plan for keeping the outside world informed and bringing itself to the attention of potential visitors . Works by the 17th century interior decorator and stuccoist Giacomo Serpotta can be found in 12 churches, 6 oratories and 2 museums in the old quarters of the city of Palermo. During the academic year 1999-2000, the Industrial Design Institute of the Faculty of Architecture developed a project on strategically-targeted communication whose theme was 'Giacomo Serpotta in Palermo' with students from the fifth year on the degree course and from the School of Specialisation in Industrial Design took part in the project. A course was held by Prof. Vanni Pasca; graphic work produced was supervised by Franco Achilli. The renewal and modernisation of the management of our cultural heritage through the use of information technology must become a strategic tool in the internationalisation of relations with Sicily, after a long phase of being left on the sidelines and of cultural decay


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