ZOOM Media Lab & The Virtual Collection of Children's Everyday Culture
Sasha Pirker , Uma Information Technology, Austria
Stefan Wagner , Uma Information Technology, Austria

Short Paper: Short Paper 5: Cultural Heritage: New Media and Education

Since early 1999, UMA and the ZOOM Children's Museum Vienna have been cooperating successfully on the issues of integrating new media in their work with children accompanying by an interactive web performance.

The first joint project was the multimedia workshop "Talisman & Lucky Charm" which marked the first steps towards the Museum's Virtual Collection. As a result of this fertile collaboration the wish grew to develop the new Media Lab in cooperation, too.

In its location in the Viennese Museums Quarter (the world's eighth-largest cultural district), the ZOOM Children's Museum - founded in 1994 - has gained a top position amongst international museums. By fall 2001 the new Museums Quarter will be completed and within an area of 1.600 sqm the greatest attraction, however, will be ZOOM's Media Lab.


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